This is a sponsored post. Enjoy below...Does this sound familiar? You finally manage to get a girl to want to have sex with you. You two start making out and your clothes starts flying then you get an erection. Slowly she grabs your shaft and slides it into her. And you give just five thrusts and bam! You cum all over her. Or probably you don't even go more than 5 thrusts before ejaculating.
Heck! I've even heard of cases where a guy ejaculates even without penetrating a woman at all – he just gets his shafts close to a woman's body and in all the excitement, BAM!Hecums without as much as penetrating the girl at all.
If this happens to you, that's is, if you are a 2 minutes man then here is the hard raw truth – women would always cheat on you. Yes, she might put up with it for a while and probably tell you it doesn't matter (so you won't feel bad) but eventually she is going to get fed up and move over to the next man who can be able to satisfy her in bed.
Do you know the type of frustration you make her go through after every single time you get her horny and wet and then don't get to last more than 2 minutes. Do you have an idea?
But relax, I'm about to show you how to naturally put stop to not lasting long in bed. In fact, what I'm about to show you will greatly improve your sex life by a whopping 60 percent.
My name is Brian Ike, owner of (Nigeria's biggest sex tutorial website) and author of "How to Give Any Woman Earth Shattering Orgasm".
Now come with me….
If you last anything less than 13 MINUTES in bed then there is a problem. But for some men the maximum amount of time they can go is just 3 minutes.
If this your case, read this very carefully.
I had this friend who always comesduring the kissing and foreplay and it was so embarrassing to him and his unsatisfied girlfriend. His case may be as a result of two things—his promiscuous and risky sex-life and/or his unhealthy lifestyle. So, in other words, the solutions for him are medical or a quick change of lifestyle.
I know how coming too quick in bed feels…
I know what it does to your confidence…
I know that feeling when you can't even look the girl in the face…
I know how weakening it feels when you have to pull out after you come and the girl is still excited waiting for you to go back in…
I know how it feels when you have to give her a stupid excuse of not being in the mood again because you don't want her to know that you already ejaculated…
Like hell, I know how it feels when she looks at you with this 'I can't believe you came this quick' look on her face…
It's unfortunate you have to deal with this, I once passed through the same. But if you stay with me, I'll give you very simple and effective tricksyou can use in lasting longer in bed. All it takes is a bit of effort and your commitment.
If you want to last longer during sex NATURALLY and not take any of those harmful and costly sex pills and you aren't suffering from a medical condition, then these tips will be worth a million naira to you.
By the way, if you feel better with your sexual skills and abilities, you'll definitely be able to perform better in bed with your partner if you get the eBook How to Give Any Woman an Earth Shattering Orgasm.
Premature ejaculation CAN ruin your sex life if you do not make any move now. Learn how to control your ejaculation and everything will be just fine.
1. Practice Controlled Masturbation.If you haven't had sex in a long time, it is more likely that you will come quicker when next you have sex. So, spend a little time with yourself before sex. Pleasure yourself with the aim of controlling when you come.
What exactly do I mean?
Every man knows that there is a sensation he gets during sexually stimulation and he knows that if he gets past a certain stage then it's a point of no return.
You know when you're almost reaching that point where nothing you do will stop you from coming—that is the point of no return.
When you masturbate, I want you to focus on the sensations you get rather than speeding it up in other to get it over with…
Focus on slowing down the speed and taking it at a normal rate…
Alternate between fast and slow…
Continue that way till you get to that point when you know that once you pass, you won't return, then pause…
Try to take your mind off the porn and think of something else in the room…
Take long deep breaths for the sensation to decrease and start again…
The aim of controlled masturbation is to get yourself accustomed to your 'points of no return' and avoid going past it too soon. In short, if you had gotten to read my super packed book before now, this wouldn't be a problem for you. You would be a stud in bed by now. Visit
2. Use Special Types of Condoms (numbing condoms). This should add 10-15 minutes of extra lash time to your lashing session. It also makes you safer from unwanted pregnancies and STD's. It may minimize pleasure though but I think it's worth your ego in bed.
Brands like original Rough Ryder (the studded ones sold for about N300), Trojan Extended and Durex Performax will do just that. They are made of thicker latex and a numbing cream is used as the lubricant. If you have a problem with coming too quick for your liking, then I suggest you always use a condom during sex in other to reduce the sensation which is responsible for your uncontrolled climaxing. Avoid condoms that are made of thin latex. Try one of those I listed above and see which one you prefer.
It's better to try it on while you masturbate in order to know which one works best for you before the 'main event'.
3. The Start & Stop Technique a.k.a Edging.This is where all the training and mastery you've gotten from my book will come into play.
All you need do is:
· Start having sex
· Keep thrusting slowly until you feel you're getting to that point of no return
· Take a break by changing positions and caressing her
· Focus on her during the break as you take in deep breaths
· When you are sure the arousal has decreased continue having sex
· Repeat according to how long you wish
Pay attention: there are sex styles/positions, sex habits and sex games you MUST NEVER start with if you have P.E. If you want to know about this technique or about which sex positions helps in delaying ejaculations, then I highly recommend you to get my book NOW!
4. Follow the Count Rhythm.This was practiced by men of the ancient Roman Empire. Have you ever noticed that thrusting too deep and too fast can make you climax faster? And do not concentrate so much on the girl during sex. Use this strategies:
· The reduced count. During sex, I want you to focus not on the girl but on the number of thrusts you give her during sex. Start with 9 shallow thrusts and 1 deep thrust, then reduce it to 8 shallow thrusts and 2 deep thrusts; then go 7 shallow and 3 deep…just like that till you get to 1 shallow thrust and 9 deep thrusts.
You should adapt this method according to you and your partner's need. Always thrust in slowly!
· The Multiplication count. During sex, I personally remove my mind from the whole act by focusing on a solving simple multiplications in my head.
What do I mean?
During sex, especially when the girl is on top and doing most of the work, I want you to think of any multiplication like the 4x, 6x or 9x multiplication.
How is this helpful?
It takes your mind off the sex as you focus on calculating the multiplication in your head. I know it sounds stupid but it works for me EVERY TIME. Make sure the girl is on top for a start.
Pay attention: focusing on the right pattern, counts and the multiplication will redirect your attention. You will not think of sex the entire time and will definitely help you last longer.
Now, I have just shown you are just basic things. To learn more advanced secrets and tips you can use to become extremely good in bed and get any girl absolutely addicted to youthen you need to get my book.
To get the ebook,Send a message on WhatsApp to Kenny (my sales manager) on 09050047973 (8am-6pm) OR CALL 08032133222.
Here Are Some Of The things I revealed in the ebook?
In my book, I gave out POWERFUL effective SECRETS on how to:
· Understand the way women think and how to use their mind-set about sex in getting them to desire you (pages 10-15).
· I revealed all the lies & myths on female orgasm that could prevent a woman from ever having an orgasm no matter how hard you try to make her cum (pgs. 19-25)
· I gave 11 SUPER tips on how to touch a woman's body in ways that will make her lose control & get instantly WET (pgs. 38-51).
· You get to know what and what to do in bed in order to get your woman to have very EXPLOSIVE orgasms in just 11 minutes.
· You also get to know the secrets to unlocking the WILD & inner FANTASIES of your woman and get her to do ANYTHING you want in bed without thinking twice about it.
The FREE books, Tongues of Fire… a perfect guide on how to handle oral sex (do's & don'ts) &101 Ways To Compliment A Girl That Will Get Her Sexually On Fire.
Everything you need to know about giving her the perfect sensual ORAL SEX and getting a woman to desire you sexually just by saying the right words was broken down in the book.
Here is the reason, I don't just sell eBooks to people and leave it at that. I love following up on them and coaching them personally on how to improve their sex life.
Out of the hundreds of people reading this right now, only 49 guys would be allowed to buy this eBook. That's just the number I can handle for now.
To get the eBooks sent to you today, contact my sales manager by Sending a message on WhatsApp to 09050047973 (8am-6pm) OR CALL 08032133222 NOW while you still can and visit
YOU CAN SKIP THIS PART(short joke)...
A young couple moved into a new neighbourhood. The next morning while eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbour through the window hanging the wash outside.
"That laundry is not clean," she said. "She doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap".
Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time the neighbour would hang laundry to dry, the young woman would make the same
About one month later, the woman was surprised to see nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband: "Look, she has learnt how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this!"
The husband replied: "I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows."
And so it is with life.
What we see when watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look.
Easy to discuss other people, their lives and things that don't really concern us.
Yet we tend to forget- our window isn't that clean after all.
Clean up your window with the WORD! (THE TRUTH.)
LORD, please give us the strength, humility and courage that we may work on our faults first rather than seeing the faults in Others and castigating them.
Have a beautiful Week !
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